Cancer Types

Cancer, the disease of cells as its known, could be number of types as the number of organs in the human body. Wherever there are cells in the human body, there are the chances of Cancer to grow & formed.

With this abnormal phenomenon, Cancer is classified into two broader classifications:

  1. Benign
  2. Malignant

Benign Cancer: These   cancers are not dangerous enough to challenge the human life, but if formed at vital organs, would be of life threatening. These cancers are not spreading in terms of nature but contents & sticks to the organs, where originates. Some cancers are very difficult to handle in spite of being benign like Breast Cancer, Cancer of Brain etc.

Malignant: These cancers are the real cancers by definition. They are multiplying by nature & habit of metastasis. If they are detected quite early & treated, the life is saved else very fatal & criminal in nature. Some of these cancers are listed below:

  1. cancer it’s kind & description