Everybody knows now that Cancer is the killer, infliction with it means cancelled in life so treatment is not effective at all. Henceforth there seems to be an urgent need of a comprehensive plan of action to stop this menace from its gross root levels. One most thought of & effective way of planning was “Cancer Awareness & Education” project under which each & every segments of Humanity be educated. Today’s scenario is quite disturbing & ambiguous as every second N.G.O. is talking of Cancer Care & Services because of Donation generation & grants they get on pretext of extending helping hands to cancer inflicted families . Nobody is talking to get into root cause of its flourishing: why the Cancer is allowed to grow & destroys not only nears & dears of a family but financially the whole family are finished. Education & awareness are the basic fundamentals tools with which Cancer Patient’s Aid Society, Mumbai was born with. The very purpose of it’s formation was to take head on mammoth battle with this dreaded enemy of human race to crush it before it attacks. It’s a very old saying that snake be crushed before it can bite you , strengthening with this old but evergreen proverb , cancer patients ‘s aid society Mumbai has started it’s long war with this deadest enemy of humanity . If one talk about education then one images Preparatory classes & baby sitters & goes to K.G., Nursery & so on. Cancer Patient’s Aid Society thought of the same pattern of educational line up. The project contains four segments:
- Cancer awareness cum sponsorship program in institutions across pan India.
- Cancer awareness cum sponsorship program in housing societies across pan India.
- Cancer awareness cum sponsorship program in corporate under CSR.
- Cancer awareness & health program in rural pan India.
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