About us


It was January8, 1993 an angel was born with millions of dream for a new world, mother was beaming with great joy & full of future recreation of her childhood joys. A momentlater & all dreams shattered & joy was getting culminated into ever-vacuumed deep darkness of gloom & sorrow. An angel was born but with in- born Mental Retardation. Her body was gifted with everything a baby should have but brain cells were damaged with forceps delivery.

After 18 years of troublesome struggle & perseverance  ,once again  that strong mother of Special baby dared  one more delivery on June 8 , 2012, but unlike a baby of 1993 , this baby was born with millions of dreams & a vision for a mission of Mankind , a dream for a World , a world The Almighty would have thought of , a world free from Cancer & Cancer Patient’s Aid Society , Mumbai  came into existence.

                Cancer Patient’s Aid Society, Mumbai is brain child of Mrs. Renu Sunil Vaish, dedicated to her Special Mentally Retarded daughter,Ms. Riya Sunil Vaish with the help & endurance of Vaish Parivar

                Registered with Societies Registration Act 1860 & Bombay Trust act 1950, Cancer Patient’s Aid Society, Mumbai have a mission in its vision & agenda in hand to clean Human Society from evil clutches of Cancer, The Devil.

                Being a Mammoth & Gigantic family of Human Congregation, they should have share their joy, happiness& sorrow together. Keeping this Humane Doctrine in mind, Cancer Patient’s Aid Society, Mumbai set up their Priorities &agenda:

  1. Educate the entire section of society irrespective of caste, color , creed, religion, sex & age specially among next generation “THE MOST VULNERABLE “about evil temptations as smoking, chewing tobacco, alcohol & drugs ,modern lifestyle etc.
  2. Organizing free cancer detection camps in schools, colleges, prime public places, villages etc.
  3. Arranging visits of school children to cancer hospitals to make them understand the sufferings of the cancer patients.
  4. Circulation of printed educational material on cancer awareness.
  5. Organizing group interactive sessions & slide show on ill effects of modern life style, which some way or the other leads to cancer growth.
  6. Set centers for counseling /rehabilitation for cancer patient & their families.
  7. Extending financial support & medical help to the poor section of our society inflicted with cancer through cancer hospitals across India.
  8. Generate voluntary donations for this mega human cause.


Mrs.Shweta Gupta 08.11.1977 (39)C-163, 2nd Floor,
Hari Nagar, Ghantaghar,
New Delhi – 110064
B.A.PresidentJune 12,2012
Mrs. Renu Vaish30/06/1963 (54)B-606, Mansi Plaza,
I.C.Colony , Borivali(w),
B.A.Hon. Secretary June 12,2012
Mr. Sanskar S.Vaish24.10.1994 (24)B-606, Mansi Plaza,
I.C.Colony , Borivali(w),
B.Tech. (Mumbai University)TreasurerJune 12,2012
Mr. Chittram Kumar Gupta 21.10.1980 (36)360/36, Matadeen Road,
Saadat Ganj,
C.A. Final Dy. President June 12,2012
Mrs.Shivani Goel08.09.1984 (32)A-69/2, Saket , NewDelhi-110017MemberJune 12,2012
Mr.Ved Prakash30.03.1971 (46)Village &Post Kondal,
Tehsil Hathin,
B.ComMemberJune 12,2012
Mr. Ranjan Kumar Sahoo06.09.1981 (35)At/po. Bindhanim,
Tigiria Althagarh,
B.Com MemberJune 12,2012