The wave of sophistication, technology, luxury, life style has not only engulfed the Urban India but far flung villages are drastically affected by it. Urban India is more conscious & educated to handle the side effect of this Tsunami, but rural India is not able to counter these waves of modernization.

Cancer Patient’s Aid Society’s  determination  to not allow the Devil Cancer would dare to touch its Indian brothers & sisters at any nook & corner of India, envisioned  this plan of action for Rural India. The features of Project:

Health & check up camps are organized , where we do:

  1. A health awareness talk.
  2. A normal full body General checks up.
  3. Free distribution of Basic Health supplements & medicines.
  4. Slide show on evil effects of Tobacco , Alcohal & Smoking .
  5. Referral of any critical or cancer prone villager to nearby High Grade Hospital .
  6. Extending other support for admission of referred villager to High Grade Hospital.
  7. A normal concluding talk , where in we insist of better living with limited financial resources.